Want to Finally Experience Success? Get Help for Those Beauty Resolutions!
Resolutions that revolve around looking and feeling better seem easy. They are definitely easy to make because it’s no secret we humans like to feel good about our appearance. Achieving success may also seem simple because there are multiple ways to go about improving cosmetic concerns. What we don’t account for when resolving to bring out our natural beauty is how time works against us. If one of your goals is to reduce the signs of aging, your body and the environment are conspiring to age your skin and superficial tissue. This is why so many beauty resolutions fail when they don’t involve teamwork.
Teamwork can Make Your Beauty Dream Work
Two (or more) heads are better than one anytime a problem needs to be tackled. The reason it pays to get help for beauty resolutions is that a trained professional can look at a problem and discern what is behind it or, in this case, beneath it. For example, it may seem obvious that lines and creases are aging the face. However, your doctor will look at lines and creases and understand why they have occurred. In some instances, the issue is muscle contractions. In others, it is the depletion of collagen and fatty tissue that leads to lines and wrinkles. Knowing the cause, your provider can implement the appropriate strategy to achieve optimal results.
How We Can Help You Reach Success
Ultimately, we can help you reach success by listening. During a consultation in our Denver office, you can expect us to take great interest in your concerns, your desired outcome, and even your reasoning behind wanting a cosmetic improvement. From a place of clear understanding, Dr. Berschof develops a treatment plan to suit your needs and preferences.
Many of the treatments we perform do not involve surgery and the downtime that comes with it. If your goal this year is to feel and look like a younger version of yourself, it may be possible to turn back the clock using only a few injections of dermal fillers, Botox, or both. Youthful skin also relates to ongoing care, which we can provide with microdermabrasion treatments that maximize your daily skin care program.
Surgery such as liposuction, abdominoplasty, a facelift, or other rejuvenating procedures does incur downtime. However, the initial recovery from most cosmetic procedures is no more than two weeks. After that point, only residual swelling and mild bruising may remain. On the other side of recovery, patients get to enjoy years of beautiful results.
Reach your intended target this year. Get help by calling our Denver office at 303.399.7662.
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