A Few Reasons to Have Breast Augmentation
Tuesday, March 15, 2022Breast augmentation is a leading plastic surgery procedure. It is done to increase the size of the breasts and is most well-known for that outcome. However, viewing breast augmentation merely as enlargement could be a mistake. There are several additional improvements that can stem from that primary one. Here, we'll discuss some of the other reasons patients consider having breast augmentation.
Because the average person never sees a woman with severe asymmetry between her breasts, it is easy to overlook this as a very real concern. To have one breast significantly smaller than the other means having difficulty fitting properly into bras and bathing suits. It means having to observe this vast difference every time you look in the mirror, which can be immensely frustrating and demoralizing. To correct issues with asymmetry, a skilled plastic surgeon typically selects two different-sized breast implants. The use of differing sizes brings balance to the breasts in a way that appears very natural. It is important to understand that all women's breasts are asymmetrical to some degree. Having breast augmentation can improve this characteristic but typically does not perfect it.
If you're feeling dissatisfied with the shape and overall appearance of your breasts, chances are there is a lack of proportion between the chest area and the hips and shoulders. Beauty is all about proportions, so the objective in most breast surgeries is to create this. The surgeon observes the width of the hips and shoulders and makes size recommendations based on those measurements. An additional factor that may need to be considered when discussing breast implant size is the patient's lifestyle. Sometimes, when a woman is very active, her breast size decreases as a result of very low body fat and higher muscle mass. In these situations, we look not only at sizing as it relates to body frame but also as it relates to lifestyle habits. Customized breast augmentation can create feminine curves without compromising comfort during workouts.
Natural Curves
It's easy to look at breast augmentation as a way to get natural-looking breast curves. However, a benefit of this procedure and the proportion that it builds is that the midsection may look more slender and sculpted as a result. A natural illusion, this creation of wider to narrower shape plays into the most beautiful proportions the body can have. For more dramatic shaping, some patients combine their breast augmentation with abdominal liposuction or a tummy tuck.
Lifting Effects
We cannot say that breast augmentation literally lifts the breasts. If your breast tissue has loosened to the point of sagging, you may benefit from a breast lift. This can replace breast augmentation or be performed in combination with it. For subtler sagging, the insertion of breast implants may make the chest area look firmer, shapelier, and perkier.
All of the physical improvements achieved with breast augmentation culminate in significant emotional rewards. We love seeing the joy and confidence on patients' faces when they observe their new shape for the first time. This increase in confidence tends to become the new norm for many patients because, for the first time, they truly feel at home in their own skin.
Find Out More
At Bershof Plastic Surgery in Denver, patients can expect to learn all they need to know about breast augmentation during a personal consultation. To schedule your visit, contact us at 303.399.7662.